Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Cigar lounges, and Cigar brands what new marketing strategies have you set in place to change the look of your "Bodega". As business owners what have you done to   maintain and gain new customers. Team CITY CIGAR LIFE has mentioned before that the business is not the cigar you sell, but the experience that you create with the cigar, the customer, and building relationships. In today's society its important that you build with your competitors. Businesses can no longer afford to play Tug-A-War.
Remember that game two groups or two individuals pulling a single rope to try and throw the other into water, mud, or in this case lost of your business and revenue. If you break it down both are exhausting all their strength and power to over throw the other to win. In business there is no time to waste or strength and power to lose. Team CITY CIGAR LIFE understands that business is competition, but playing this game of Tug-A-War you can lose your business. You didn't go into this business to lose, right.
Fostering relationships is key to any business. What I mean for example, If you are a new cigar lounge and you want to carry a certain cigar brand, but the rep doesn't really want his brand cigar in a new lounge. There is a possibility that cigar lounge across town can assist in that negotiation. Now, how you develop that relationship, with competitors is hard and tricky. But real business men and women understands that business dealings is not always the exchange of money, its key nevertheless. Business is the human interaction that comes in a form of a handshake, the smile, effective communication - communicating an idea. Lets not forget your store front, the place where your customers will go and spend their hard earn cash.
Regardless if you are a cigar lounge, cigar brand, or cigar factory, you must think of your business as the local "Bodega". Bodega is Spanish for store and "Bodegero" is the person running the day to day operations. The local Bodega is in the heart of their customer base. Selling only what the customer needs. The Bodegeros are masters of marketing rule 101. Which states: find what the customer wants and give that to them. In short, don't just think of yourself as a cigar lounge but the local Bodega and become that Bodegero.



1 comment:

  1. A Virtual Tug of War Game is a fun, interactive and exciting game. It is also an ideal activity for office gatherings and corporate events. It's a tug of war game in which two teams compete against each other to see who can be the first to get the rope across the center. It is a great way to boost your employees morale.
